傅美珠首次个展 First Solo Exhibition of Poh Bee Choo. 04th - 25th Sep 2021
傅美珠次个绘画珠饰展 First Solo Exhibition of Poh Bee Choo - The Art & Jewellery Design of Poh Bee Choo. 新书发佈 Book launch of 象外 / 灵珠焕彩
水月相忘 - 陈建坡书画篆刻展 The Art of Tan Kian Por
水月相忘 - 陈建坡书画篆刻展(北京画院) The Art of Tan Kian Por (Beijing Art Museum)
Mr Tan Kian Por is one of Singapore's most accomplished ink artists. I use the word 'artist' and not 'painter' because his practice has...